8 Lessons I Hope You Teach Your Sons for the Sake of My Daughters

Here's a piece I wrote for fatherly.com for my daughters. Enjoy!

Published March 08 2018 on Fatherly.com

"There’s been a lot of talk on the best way to raise girls— how to teach them to be safe, how to teach them to stand up for what they want, how to teach them to get ahead in a male-dominated world. I’ve seen it as a dad and I’ve passed it down to my own two daughters. What I rarely see is how to raise boys, and how the way that fathers raise their sons determines who they will be as men of the future. As a father of daughters, I worry about how your sons will treat them. So here’s what I hope you’re teaching them and showing them through example, every single day."


😊   My girls.  😊


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