"How Quickly It Falls Apart" Episode 1: Valentine's Day Prep
Here begins a series of vignettes of interactions with my children that shows how Papi-ness (AKA Fatherhood) is never a smooth ride.
Episode 1: Valentine's Day Prep
Daddy...what's that?
What's what?
That...on your computer!
On my compu - oh shit.
What is that? (said with a Cheshire Cat-wide smile of someone thinking they caught someone doing something very wrong...)
Ugh...THAT is an ad from Facebook (malditos!) of an online lingerie store. I was thinking of getting your mother lingerie for Valentines day, and now I get all these ads popping up in my feed.
You get her lingerie?
Do you even know what that is?
Of course I know what that is! But shouldn't Mommy be getting her own lingerie?
Well, yes, of course if she wants, but I'm her husband and I can get her some if I want as well.
So, when I'm married, you'd be ok if my husband gets ME lingerie?
Sweetheart - if you are 30, graduated, have a job, and are married - I wouldn't care if they got you a Furry costume for Valentines day. Just make sure he clears his cookies after or it'll show up on his feed, too.
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