MTV's VMA Awards was NALGATUDES over substance

So, back from vacation, and our first family TV appointment was the VMA awards. 

WHY? Just...why?  I mean COME ON, we haven't even upacked, We JUST got our Chinese food, and now I have to "parental guidance" my way through the evening so that girls can see their favorite artists? THIS IS EXHAUSTING. For the record I wanted to catch up on She-HULK. 

I may be showing my age, butt and the MTV VMAs was ass. Figuratively, yes (because it was terrible), but also literally, it was just a bunch of asses on stage. Felt like I was watching a mating documentary or something. All the music genres seemed to have gotten the memo that there was a cheeky requirement for last night's performances.   There was a very obvious equation on display here: The need to shock to stay relevant, minus any real talent, plus the lack of courage to actually speak to anything original or important like racism, facism, the environment (with the appreciated exception of RHCP's FLEA), war, poverty, etc ; topics these artists NEED to be talking about and inspiring our youth to pay attention to, equaled an overdose of NALGATUDES. This is the first time you'll see this phrase used - please use it as appropriate.

Here's the short formula: 


Before folks think I'm "clutching my pearls," the nalgas themselves are not offensive(I don't use the 'c' word made popular by Pitbull).  Hey, if you are of age and got peaches you're proud of, by all means, your body your choice.  NALGATUDES, by contrast, are banal and trite and a crutch for a lack of real effort by a performer. The best example of the night's NALGATUDES was J-Balvin's little incel/misogynist fantasy of women with no faces on their hands and knees while he wears a pimp coat, to hide his obvious lack of talent or relevance to anything other than himself and his perpetual state of inebriation. You can almost see his creative team saying "ok, here's where we make all the dancers twerk so noone notices him mumbling nonsense throughout the performance..."  I noticed. 

The IRONY of it all, was the only time when the TV cameras seemed to have had enough was when Maneskin's base player decided she'd join all the boys on stage and go topless while shredding her ax. Really?  Because in America, man nipples are ok but women nipples are verboten. But hey, you can always turn around and show your assless chaps, right? 

Sexuality in creative expression has existed since the first cave paintings and there 'ain't nothing wrong with that. I'm not going to debate sexual empowerment, etc, etc; I suspect we are on the same wavelength on much of this already, and I've argued multiple times that America's fear of sex and sexuality are at the root of so, sooooo many of it's cultural problems, including an obsession with guns and violence. But this isn't about expressing sexuality, but about assuming that it is the only thing your audience wants. Have more faith in your youth, MTV and the music industry, and less fear of actually making a difference. These days, we need music to wake people up, not leave us in a drooling stupor.



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